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Share your story

To raise awareness of 9/11 in younger generations, we are compiling personal anecdotes to be shared as an online collection. To help, share where you were on September 11, 2001. How did you hear about what happened, and what were you feeling at the time? Spread the story of friends or family who were lost that day, and help preserve their memory for posterity. Please include as many details as possible.


Thank you for sharing your experience.

Why should you share?


The goal of this compilation is to preserve oral history in the most accurate way possible. Oral history is a way to spread not only information, but feelings. There are many facts available about the attacks of 9/11, but facts fail to encompass the terror of that day and the personalities of those who were lost. It is important to share your own story so that not only the facts will be passed on to younger generations, but the true essence of an event that shaped today's world. But over time, details can be forgotten. By sharing your story with us here, whether you were at the World Trade Center or on the other side of the world, you will preserve a lesson for posterity. Join us in passing down history, and help the world to never forget. 


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